I have been meaning to post lately but everytime I go to post something I realize I have nothing to say. Since I have been tagged by Adam I thought well what better subject to write about? It is all about meeee.
The rules:
- Each player starts with eight random facts about themselves.
- Those who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
- At the end of the post, choose some people to get tagged and list their names.
1) I really don't like doughnuts or any other pastry. I generally don't like anything sweet to eat in the morning, but I love eggs and hashbrowns.
2) My middle name is Luanne which is a combination of my mothers middle name (Anne) and my Grandmothers middle name (Lu). I also don't understand why some people are so embarassed of their middle names that they won't tell you what it is. Unless your middle name is Bumsucker or something it is just a name so what is the big deal? And if your middle name is Bumsucker, then you should be obligated to tell your friends because it is just selfish to keep something as funny as that to yourself.
3) When I was in 6th grade I was at an awards ceremony for honor roll or something and they would call you up and you would stand on choir risers until everyones name was called and then there would be a round of applause. I was one of the first people called so I was standing at the very top of the risers and after standing up there awhile I started get antsy and I took a half step backward but missed the riser and lost my balance. I did the arm windmill thing and flailed about and as I was going down grabbed the two people next to me which helped me because I was able to step down on the rolled up wrestling mat and pop right back up. However the people next to me were not so lucky. They both fell on the mat and took down the two people next to them. Luckily the domino effect stopped there but it was obvious I had something to do with it because I was standing at the top of the risers with no one around me with a beet red face.
4) I hate 80's music.
5) My favorite ice cream is baskin robbins peanut butter and chocolate.
6) I like saying the word "Entrepenuer" with a french accent.
7) I have the complete set of every episode of the Golden Girls and have probably seen every episode at least 5 times.
8) When I was in 4th grade I broke my arm, burned my face on an enchilada pan that was coming out of the oven and fell and scrapped my knee all in the same month and was interviewed by child protective services because my teacher thought I was being abused. Nope, just clumbsy.
Well I think everyone I know that has a blog has been tagged now except
Kendall and
Nick so I will tag them, but Kendall hasn't posted since August 3rd and Nick doesnt even have time to sleep right now so this probably wont be a priority for them.
So there it is, random information about me!