Monday, August 13

Um, I'd rather be single

Just when I thought strategies to meet people couldn't get any more strange, I found this article about zapping. Now I am generally not opposed to things like online dating, that is how my sister met her husband and I know of several relationships that have developed after meeting online that have been good experiences, but putting a necklace around your neck and going around to other people and "zapping" them to see if you are compatible just seems awfully odd to me.

The premise is this: "Before parties, guests register online and complete questionnaires. The answers are then transferred to digital memory devices — red, plastic squares slightly larger than a matchbox — that the guests wear like necklaces. During a party, people point their devices at one another to check how compatible they are. The devices flash red, yellow or green, depending on their level of compatibility."

So I guess this just takes the whole idea of talking to someone to get to know them to see if you are compatible completely out of the equation. Who has time for that anymore? Also if some computer based compatability system does not think you will get along with someone you basically get the red light. Personally I would rather be making that decision myself, regardless of the mistakes I will make along the way.

On another note, I was shopping this weekend and was in the Express dressing room when I looked up at an advertisement they had on the door about their new line of jeans. I literally laughed out loud when I saw the one that had a guy in a pair of jeans walking down the street with a text overlay that read "I have nicknames for all of my jeans. Today I am wearing Johnny Dagger". Umm Yeeeah. I should have had a career in marketing, apparantly it isn't very hard to be successful in that field.


Adam said...

Mine are all the same nickname.

Randy Bigcock.

Fishy said...

i'm speechless, about the blog and adams comment

Lulu said...

Wow Adam, we shut Nick up. I have to be honest though, I really didn't know what to say about your Randy Bigcock jeans yeah, wow.

Adam said...

Really? I didn't know it was that offensive. My bad.

I thought Johnny Dagger was pretty bad and essentially a childish ephemism.

edluv said...

see, and i thought it was funny. and, more or less what i expect. dick jokes, wha?

Lulu said...

I didnt say it wasn't funny, I am just at a loss as to how you respond or one up that one. Offend me with a dick joke, whaa???

Adam said...

Ok, just checking, your "um, yeah" comment led me to believe that you either didn't get it or were like, wow, that's a terrible joke.