Yesterday I tried a new workout that I have been eyeing for awhile called the 100's workout. This is a total body workout that has 9 exercises (lifting exercises)that you are to perform for 100 repetitions aiming to only stop once at 70 reps for 30 seconds before finishing the final 30. Some of the exercises were easier than others but the one thing they had in a common, a long sustained and intense muscle burn. At the end of the workout there will have been a total of 900 reps completed.
I have sort of become Mikes personal trainer so he did all of this with me, bless his heart:) Actually he has been working out with me the past month and I am really impressed with the amount of muscle growth he has already achieved. It has also been really great to share my passion with someone who get's why I love it so much and shares the same passion with me. He is wiling to do and try anything so I feel like I have a partner in crime:)
But I digress, back to the 100's workout! The following is the exercises we performed:
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Upright Row
Dumbbell Press
Overhead Press
Cable Curl
Rope Pressdown
Cable Crunches
Of course you don't perform these exercises at the same weight you normally would if you were doing 12 reps, but you drop the weight approximately in half, sometimes more. The toughest ones for me were the Leg Press, the Overhead Press and the calf raises.
It wasn't exactly what I expected however. I was expecting that the weights would start to feel heavy as the reps increased, even though they were considerably lighter than what I would normally lift. I assumed fatigue would set in and cause them to feel heavy. That wasn't the case at all. The weights never felt heavy, always light, but at about 25 reps or so your muscles start to burn and until you are done with 100, the burning does not go away but intensifies. I felt this was just as much a mental challenge as it was a physical challenge. As soon as that burn settles in you really want to stop, it hurts! But you can physically lift the weight still, it is pushing past the pain and continuing that is the hard part. It is good practice for running a marathon really because although it is a different type of pain, you still have to embrace the pain as part of the process in order to finish.
It is such an exhilirating feeling to take on a challenge that you may have doubts you can accomplish, work your ass off and do it. This is true with any atheletic endevour or anything else in life you ar passionate about. The more you challenge yourself and the conception you have of your abilities, the more interesting life can be.
This was a tough workout but I loved it. I will probably incorporate this every once in awhile to spice things up a bit. The more I push myself, the more I want to push myself further. I am starting to get pumped up for the marathon! God I sound like such a peppy annoying jock. Oh well, I am who I am:)