Monday, June 8

Crunch Time - Another Boring House Post

I got a lot of stuff done for the move this weekend, but I still have a good amount of work left to do. Yesterday I had my final walk through and got to meet all the dead cockroaches that have gone to a better place after fumigation. They were HUGE so I was happy to bid them adieu, for now at least. Everything else looked good so I sign the final papers today at 11 AM. Hopefully I can also get the keys by the middle of the week so I can go in and do some cleaning and try to get the old people smell out before the move on Saturday.

As far as the move goes I am incredibly grateful for anyone who is willing to help. Everything will be as organized as possible and I rented a Uhaul so it should be a fairly quick process as well. I would like to start at 9 AM if thats ok with everyone. I know the weekend is busy for some of you with the Undercurrent show so lunch and drinks will also be provided so you can be nourished and on your way.

Things I am really looking forward to are a dishwasher, a garage, a quiet neighborhood and not living somewhere were all the walls are white for the very first time in my life. This girl needs a little color:)


edluv said...

undercurrent show doesn't start until 6, so don't even worry about that. 9 works for me.

Lulu said...

Oh cool, then bring your croquet set;) I thought it started in the afternoon for some reason.

Adam said...

You can count me in to lend a hand.