Thursday, May 28

Just when I thought the desire to run in me was dead and gone, I have started feeling the itch to run again. My desire to run follows a predictable pattern of training for a race and being really into running, to continuing to run for a short time after the race, to falling off the wagon and not running for a long period of time, to wanting to run again and training for another race. Except for the past few days I haven't run in months, happily. I just wanted nothing to do with it, plus my foot had been hurting me.

Out of nowhere two days ago I suddenly wanted to jump on the treadmill like old times and although I didn't run for a long period of time, I felt good and my foot didn't hurt after. This was promising so I am going to run a little more for cardio and back off the weights just a bit. I don't want to get any more muscular and could probably stand to take it down a notch anyway.

The Trail of Two Cities is on November 8th and I wouldn't neccesarily have to run a full but knowing me if I run at all it will be a full. It would be kind of cool to run this every year starting with its inagural year and it would be a good way to break up the monotony of working out by dedicating my summers and falls to running and weight training the rest of the year. Besides I am still a little bitterly disappointed in myself for my performance last year and it would be hard to just let that go without a fight.

I haven't signed up yet but I can feel it coming...


Adam said...

And probably moving into a new house? Girl. You crazy.

Lulu said...

And a new dog hopefully! The dog can be my running partner:)

edluv said...

please get a purse dog.

Lulu said...

I want a big dog. I grew up with big dogs and I prefer them to really small dogs. Little dogs are cute and all but I don't think they are for me.

Anonymous said...

What you're too good for a cat!?
-Mrs. Puddles

Lulu said...

hahahaha! Sorry Mrs. Puddles (btw who are you married to?) Nothing against you personally, I just don't like animal shit in my house:)

Adam said...

Man I can't wait until your dog poops in your house.