Wednesday, January 7

Working on Fitness

It is a New Year which means a couple of minor annoyances for us gym rats out there. First of all this is when everyone decides to join a gym to get in shape and for about 2 months you have to deal with a crowded gym and waiting for equipment. On one hand it makes me happy to see people striving to be healthier despite misleading articles about how exercise won't cure obesity. I will repeat over and over )and over and over) that a healthy balanced diet along with exercise (and not this 2 1/2 hours of moderate exercise a week crap that the government spews - *note the reason that such a low number is used is so people won't be intimidated by how much exercise they actually need to engage in to lose weight, plus that is not even what the government reccomends for losing weight but just to be minimally active) is what keeps people fit and healthy. And if you don't believe me or want to hear this being said in a more entertaining and eloquent way, read this.

I selfishly get annoyed by this however because it can disrupt my workout, particularly since I do circuit workouts often. Newbies just don't get the norms of the gym though, which is completely understandable, so I remind myself to be patient because again, I really am just happy people are actually putting effort into it.

Secondly there is a plethora of "New Year, New You" diet and exercise plans that inundate us in magazines and online that are often ineffective but give people hope that they will finally achieve their weight loss goals. Unfortunately the diets are too restrictive or the exercise plans aren't effective which frustrates people and they give up, feeling bad about themselves. People want a quick fix but the only thing that truly works over the long term is a healthy, well balanced diet and again exercise. If you want to be in shape you have to work hard, you have to be consistent and you can't eat whatever but have to have some self control.

However among all of these junk articles there are some really cool fitness aticles like this bad ass 14 year old girl, Zoe Smith who can lift twice her own body weight. Not only a fantastic role model but also proof that women shouldnt be afraid to lift weights, it won't make you big and manly because women lack the testosterone that causes that to occur. It is nice to see a young person (ha, I sound like my parents) embracing physical activity and not leading a lazy, inactive lifestyle.

I have made some changes in my behavior to improve my health at the start of this year that have been a long time coming too and I know it is difficult to make changes, to break habits, addictions and behaviors and no one is immune to this struggle. If you take it day to day and realize it isnt easy and there will be set backs you may be pleasantly suprised at what you can accomplish.


Lulu said...

And no this is not directed to Brian, I know thats what you are thinking...

edluv said...

what gym norms are they breaking?

Lulu said...

Things like not wiping down the equipment after they use it (this is the most frequent offense) and sitting on equipment for long periods of time when they arent using it or not re-racking weights (not a flaw of just newbies though) and invading personal space and I even had someone take over a machine I was using when I went to get a drink of water. This wouldnt have been a problem if they did one set and got off but they did 3 sets, while sitting on it between sets and I left my towel on the machine. That guy was a newbie but mostly just all around clueless.