Thursday, January 22

Whats New With Me

So I know I have been somewhat MIA lately, but things are good with me, I am just laying a little low. I have been getting good and regular sleep which has made me more productive at work and since I am pretty much swamped there this is a good thing. I am making progress on some projects though so hopefully I will be able to check some things off my list soon. You know you have been in the construction industry awhile though when you compare having your teeth bonded with the cure time for concrete.

My stomach problems have lessened but I am beginning to see a pattern of flare ups that coincide with my hormonal cycles which the IBS research says is likely. So at least I know when to expect that so I can be very careful not to eat gassy foods around that time and not to overeat during that time, which is also a trigger.

Speaking of my stomach though, I started a new progressive ab routine called Spot-On-Abs about a month ago that has given me the best results I have ever seen. It is hard, a circuit of 7 ab exercises for 30 minutes straight without stopping that I do 3-4 times a week, but it works. The basis to this program is a study that found that you can actually achieve some spot reduction or more specifically they found that during exercise, the fat cells surrounding the trained muscle released more fat into the blood, meaning a greater quantity of fat is fed to the exercising muscles to be used as fuel. However it had to be done for a prolonged period of time and it had to be used in conjunction with a total body strength routine and cardio. Aside from the science mumbo jumbo though I have seen a lot of progress in this area since starting it so I would reccomend it as long as you dont just do the ab portion but the entire program or a version of it.

In other news my sister is coming to town! She will be here next week to suprise a friend at her baby shower and also to suprise my parents who dont know she is coming. So I am going to pick her up Thursday night and take her to work with me Friday. She will only be here for a couple of days but it is always nice to see her. I might be able to drag her out to Landmark at some point but we will see.

And lastly it has been a lot warmer lately (yesss!) so I have not had to use my heater which is going to save me money on my PG&E bill that was out of control last month and I only have 9 more days left of my shopping boycott, it is getting tough though. So many sales and I definitely feel the pangs of withdrawl. I just have to make sure I dont go overboard once February hits. I will do some shopping (that Target gift card is burning a serious hole in my pocket) but since we still have more winter left I will probably do alright until Spring hits, then I might get a little spring fever so that will be the real test. I am making progress on paying off credit cards though and should have those paid off in full within the next 6 months which will be awesome.

So thats whats new with me. See, you arent really missing much and besides absence makes the heart grow founder or is it out of sight out of mind...


m.wise said...

get it right, kasey. absense makes the heart grow out of mind.

Lulu said...

haha, I like it mike, thats definitely what it is:)

edluv said...

i think mike meant absinthe.

Lulu said...

That works too.