Friday, October 3


So Adam dropped the ball in choosing my Halloween costume but I still need help in deciding what to be. I don't want to be super slutty (a little slutty is ok though) and I don't want to always explain who I am supposed to be and it cant be overly complicated or expensive. So if anyone has any thoughts and/or suggestions, I am open to them while retaining my power to veto.

And since Brian backed out of hosting the Halloween party (lame), I will post a pre-party at my place but there is one condition: We are going to have considerably less alcohol than at Cinco de Mayo so we dont stay at my place the whole night. Enough to get us buzzed and save some money but not so much that we end up staying there the whole night. I mean it, I am kicking everyone out whether they like it or not by 11 or so and Xena Warrior Princess aka Abigail will help me.

I also encourage everyone to wear some sort of costume,it will not be cool if it is just Abigail and I on display for the boys. And I dont care if you boys think thats cool because I dont and thats all that matters. Hell Adam you can dress up like Ed and Ed you can dress up like Adam for all I care but please make an effort. I actually kinda want to see that happen (we all know Adam was never going to go as Spitz) so think about it;) I will give you specifics about the pre-party later but I am thinking drinks, some snacks, maybe some pumpkin carving and a scary movie, nothing elaborate.

So your mission consists of the following:

-Help me come up with a costume
-Come up with a costume of your own
-Suggest your favorite scary movie

Now get to thinking!


Adam said...

Since I missed the deadline, I don't actually get to suggest costume ideas, right? Because I probably won't even I could.

Lulu said...

No you absolutely can, but I dont really expect you will since you had the golden opportunity to make me wear almost anything and didnt come up with anything.

I would be SUPER excited if you came dressed as something though, even if it isnt Mark Spitz. Lets face it, thats a costume even the bravest of the brave wouldnt attempt. Besides you probably dont want to be constantly checking to make sure the junk is still in place;)

edluv said...

i want to point out that many recent years i have dressed up for halloween, just not last year. who have i been:
jack sparrow
a leprechaun
ozzy osbourne
a golfer
a dead bike messenger
a hippy

so, to your costume: i suggest sarah palin. you probably won't be the only one, and we could all take drunk pics with the republican vp candidate.

Demirep said...

I think you should dress up as a 19th century capitalist...i.e. monocle, smoking jacket, pipe and top hat...and suspicious facial hair.

Failing that, I recommend going as a silent film starlet, complete with caption cards to hold up when people say "who are you supposed to be"
They could say: "You mean you don't recognize me?" "I'm the IT girl, Clara Bow." "Go to hell." is also a good one to keep in case anyone says anything jerky.

Lulu said...

I looove the idea of having captian cards, that could be really useful if I get stuck in a conversation I dont want to be in too. Plus I get to be glamorous, good idea!

Monticore said...

I'm going to be malificent from Sleepy Beauty.
I think the Omen or Rosemary's Baby are the scariest movies ever.