Monday, October 13

Blah, Blah, Whine, Blah, Blah

I don't know what is going on with me but I apparently got some sort of weird stomach virus this weekend. Weird because it is a just a constant stomach ache with body aches and chills but thats it. It started Saturday night and then I woke up Sunday because I was supposed to meet my family for brunch and just couldnt do it. Since I wasnt throwing up or anything, I figured it would just go away on its own quickly. I talked to my mom she had the same exact thing but was feeling better already so I thought it would also pass quickly for me. But I did that whole 20 mile run thing on Saturday, which is hell on you immune system so I guess it hit me a little harder.

I literally didnt get out of bed until 6 PM yesterday and only had a piece of toast to eat for the whole day. I feel a little better today,I actually ate something this morning and I dragged myself to work, but my stomach is still off and I am exhuasted.

I hate being sick.


m.wise said...

we'll miss you at the fair tonight. hope you feel better soon.

Adam said...

Bummer, hang in there.