Tuesday, July 8

I Smell Rocky VII...

The Germans have found a way to combine both intelligence and athletic ability in one competition, Chess Boxing.

This shows it a little better and is subtitled:


Adam said...

I don't get it, does it make more sense with sound? I didn't see any chess player boxing at the same time? Is it a combined event?

Lulu said...

It is not simultaneous. They do a round of boxing and then a table is put in the middle of the ring, they sit down and do a round of chess - I think this must be timed but I am not sure. Then it is back to boxing until someone either knocks someone out or wins at chess.

Adam said...

Is this a joke?

Lulu said...

No, it's real, they really do this. There is a world championship and everything. Look it up on Wikipedia. It totally sounds made up but it's not.

Adam said...

Wow, parody becomes life.