Wednesday, July 9

It's Baaack!

When I was in sixth grade I had a hypercolor shirt that I absolutely loved. It was purple and turned pink when you got hot or someone touched it (just like in the picture). I no longer have the shirt but it looks like it can now be replaced. Hyperdcolor is back baby!
I love the novelty but wearing that in Fresno may be problematic. It would either be pink all the time (I hate that color) or you could have pink pits all the time or in other places that get hot and I am not sure if that would be such a good look.


edluv said...

i agree that in fresno, you would just be either all the "hot" color, or you would get unflattering spots wherever you're hottest.

Monticore said...

My thoughts exactly. Can you imagine the combo of a camel-toe in hypercolor? Thanks for letting us know. I'm glad to see it's making a comeback. Maybe we could use it for our kick-ball uni's

Lulu said...

hahaha, I like it Monticore, great idea!

carly said...

Let's invent hypercolor panties.

That way, a guy never has to guess if you are, in fact, 'feeling him.'

Lulu said...

That is an excellent idea. Pink means go, purple means stop and a mix of the two would be not sure yet, keep going for now. Of course if the weather is hot it might not be accurate but thats a minor consideration.

Adam said...

They'll be like those beer cans that change color when they're ready to drink.

Or better yet, some sort of pop up device like they use for baking. When it pops up, foreplay is over. =P

carly said...

Turkey's done.

Lulu said...

hahaha, you two. You are like a comedy team only Carly's always funnier:)

Adam said...

I'm ok with that.

Lulu said...

She is funnier than me too.