Friday, May 2

A Thursday Night in Tower

Last night I met up with Adam and Mike at Ed's Art Hop Show. The building the show was in Severence which is a beautifully restored old building where they have dance/music classess in. I have been walking by it for quite sometime and it was nice to go in and see it from the inside.

Eds work was up in the hallway and I would imagine a lot of people will have a chance to see it since his work will stay up for a little while and there is a lot of traffic in that building. Maybe something will come of it, but at the very least people who might not otherwise get a chance to see it will have that opportunity which is very cool. One piece that was new to me was the large one at the end of the hall and I can't remember the title but it had something to do with the war. I really liked that one because the wood was imperfect and the reds were really beautiful.

After the show the boys and I went to Mings for some dinner. I had some chow mien and a crap load of celery but I was starving so it hit the spot. While we were there Ed asked me if I had heard from Monica about the tattoo. I told him that I hadn't and don't really know whats going on but I haven't been proactive about finding out what the deal was since she told me she would call me when it was done. Maybe a minute and a half after that conversation my phone ran and I got a voicemail from Monica saying that my drawing was finally done and I could come in and see it whenever I was able to. Since Sara is getting her ink done with Monica on Sunday, I will stop by and see it then while I watch sara get a needle stuck in her. So I am happy now, although I am a little low on the cash flow at the moment so I may have to put it off for a little bit. I really just want to see what she came up so I can see what it will look like.

With that and the Cinco de Mayo party, I think I am going to have a good weekend:)


edluv said...

it should be another nice weekend for the dice riffraff.

thanks for coming to the show. the title of that piece is "the scent of war burns my nostrils." the title, and subject comes from my anti-war stance, and imagery that comes from my studies of the old testament. there is this sort of phrasing on several occasions. one of the first places it's seen is in the creation account, as the "breath of God" is placed in man's nostrils, giving him life. and, the imagery repeats later on with things like the scent of offerings being lifted to God's nostrils. it's always been a really captivating idea and image to me. so, as i contemplated my continued disgust for war (our current one in particular) that idea of stench being lifted to God stood out to me. rather than a fragrant offering, we are lifting the stink of war.

Monticore said...

Where is the Cinco-De-Drinko re-cap post

Lulu said...

I am still of thinking how to word it...