Thursday, May 8

Postcards From Yo Mama

Hilarious website, especially after the phone call I had with my mom the other day that led me to hanging up on her because she couldn't find "gmail" on the google website. I needed her to give me the tracking number in an email while I was driving so I told her to go to Google and click on gmail. She couldn't figure it out. I was so frustrated after several minutes of me saying "Mom it is right there it says gmail, it's on the top left you just need to click it" at increasingly frustrated tone I told her "forget it I will just come back and do it myself" and hung up. How can you not figure that out??

So this website aside from having a great title has posts from people who submit a correspondence that they have had with their moms where their are technologically challenged or have some ridiculous if not well meaning advice. You know the embarassing, eye rolling stuff that moms do.

Take a look-see, I promise you'll chuckle.

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