Thursday, March 6

This Morning...

This morning when I walked outside my apartment to go to work I found a dirty men's t-shirt on my door step, Which I thought that was odd. I didnt want to touch it because it was filthy so I kicked it to the side and hopefully my neighbor has something to do with it and will take care of it, I kind of expect to see it when I get home this evening though.

Then I checked my mailbox on my way to my truck and when I closed it I put my hand in wet, dewy bird poop, ick. That stuff dries fast too because when I got to my truck mere feet away, it was already dry and I couldnt get it off. So I had to wipe my fingers on the dew of my truck to get it wet enough to wipe off on a scrap of napkin. I washed my hands when I went to work but they still feel dirty.

Then when I was almost at work I was at a stop light and looked over and there was a young asian man at the bus stop with his guiter (no case) dressed in an Elvis-like sequined (yes, sequined) jump suit and quite the coif of hair. He wasnt playing his guiter, but he had it strapped on.

Strange start to my morning. I dont know what it means but when find random soiled clothing, put my hand in bird poop and see an asian elvis before 7 am, but I dont feel like I am going to be having a normal day.


Adam said...

Embrace the abnormalities. I mean, c'mon, you're friends with me, that's a great start. =)

(Also, I'm kinda shocked that you spotted me in my Asian Elvis costume this morning. I'm soooo embarassed)

Lulu said...

I thought he looked familiar...

edluv said...

the view looks pretty good from here.