Monday, July 9


My truck is once again in the shop. Seems it is time to get a new vehicle, but I wanted to wait until the fall to do so and was hoping to get through the summer. No word on the exact problem, but it is some kind of electrical issue.

This actually isn't what I am annoyed with. I can't change the fact that it isn't working, I just have to accept it and get it fixed. What I am annoyed with is my Dad. I was talking with him about how to get the truck to the shop and he used the word "morass" and I asked him what that meant and he laughs and tells me I should have gotten a discount on my degree. I was pissed. Anytime I don't know a word or how to do something or how to spell something he always makes the comment in one form or the other that implies that I should know more for having a masters degree. I once again reminded him that my degrees in communication do not make me an expert at everything (including building websites which I should apparently know how to do too since I use the internet)and that he doesn't need to insult my intelligence if I don't know the definition to a word that is somewhat obscure in the first place. He started talking about how politicians use that word but I didn't let him finish because he wasn't going to address the reason I was pissed and would have just kept the "joke" going.
Perhaps I am a little sensitive but I have always felt that my parents were somewhat dissapointed in the fact that I didn't finish my PhD so comments like that sting me. When I did decide to not return to school it was a really difficult decision for me. I don't like to quit and I didn't want people to think that I couldn't hack it. When it came down to it though I was miserable and unhappy in that enviornment and people can think whatever they want about my reasons for not finishing. I haven't second guessed that decision and have been considerably happier (despite the work grumblings)since then and I know it was the right choice. I definitely get my guard up though when my intelligence is called into question. My parents also believe (especially my mom) that I should get my life figured out already and she is frustrated with my choices. Well unfortunately life isn't simple and I don't want to have a life or a career that is mediocre so that is going to take some time. Apparently this concept is difficult to embrace from my Mom who has never had a career goal. Raising children was what she wanted to do and she did a great job but having kids has never been something I just can't wait to do. Perhaps someday but I am not going to look for fullfillment in my womb.

Maybe I should rename this post to "Dear Mom and Dad"...


Adam said...

At least you don't have the entire hardbound series of Left Behind on prominent display in your abode. That to me is not a mark of intelligence.

Adam said...

Sorry, I should clarify to be sure I don't insult you. Having them on display isn't a mark of intelligence.

edluv said...
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edluv said...

has your dad always done this? that is, did he do it before you had a masters? before a b.a.? it's not so much that this part matters, but it just seems odd that he would just take it on because you've got a master's degree. i highly doubt you're sitting around the office going, "master's degree this" or "master's degree that."

but, it's good that you stood up, and let him know that you didn't need to be degraded because you don't know certain things.

where did you parent's education stop @? does your dad feel that you look down on him because you've completed more?

and really, finishing a ph.d wouldn't have put you any closer to having it all figured out, knowing your direction in life, settling on a career, or having a family. shoot, you may have your ph.d, and still be working @ your parent's firm. i know that if i got my ph.d, i may not any more qualified to work than i already am. it certainly wouldn't make me a better person.

well, unless the act of being educated makes you better (which i think it helps to).

Adam said...

I don't know. I heard that Ph.D's are the part of one's education where one learns the definition of morass.

Lulu said...

Ha, Adam that made me laugh outloud:)

Ed-My dad basically started this after the Masters. I definitely don't go around tooting my horn about it either, that would just be asinine. My dad has a deree from UCLA and my mom did a 2 year college. I can't imagine him thinking I look down on him though, especially in this work enviornment where I have so much to learn. I really dont know where it comes from-maybe he just thinks he is being funny, I don't know. I understand to an extent where my mom is coming from and why she has a hard time understanding me. Like I said she never had a career goal or looked for fullfillment outside the family so I don't think she grasps the difficulty of it. In her mind I should just find a career and get settled instead of moving around everywhere and chaning my mind about what I want to do. And I agree with your comment that having a PhD solves the mystery of your direction in life. In fact for some people it is a tool to avoid having to make those decisions.

Adam said...

Ummm, yeah, I'm just fucking around. All you really have to do is think really hard about what you want your life to be and then snap your fingers while keeping your eyes closed. Just that simple. Can't believe no one told you.