Tuesday, March 27

Restless Life Syndrome

Every few months or so I notice that I start to get to feel restless. There is usually no major cause for feeling this way but it creeps up through me and seeps in to pester me for a few weeks. Usually what it centers around is work and career related issues. I never wanted to be the person that sort of accidently settles into something and ends up doing that for the rest of their lives without really enjoying it. I am sure everyone feels this way but it is depressing to think of spending so much of your life doing something you don't really like doing. The problem is, I can never seem to figure out what exactly it is I want to do. Everytime I hear someone say to follow your dreams and don't let anything stand in your way blah blah blah it annoys me because what is it you do when you don't know what your dreams are? Knowing my passion would make things a whole lot easier.

What I do know is that I am awful at paperwork. I seriously suck at it. My attention to detail waivers at best and I get bored and zone out quite frequently. Even though that is the main part of what I am doing now, I have to learn all of the steps and procedures from the bottom up in order to advance into a management position. I don't know if this is really what I want to do, but I won't know that until I start doing it. Sometimes I really just want things figured out but I know as soon as that happens, give me a few months and I won't be satisfied with that either. I don't like being stuck in an office all day and what I like best about my job is when I get to leave and have to run bids or get plans and whatnot. Perhaps a career at UPS is in my future.

Ok enough of my moaning and groaning. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers.


edluv said...

can you lift 50lbs? i think that's what ups wants.

or, are you good at promoting? i need a manager for my low paying endeavors.

Lulu said...

I can lift 50 pounds, I may look a little scrawny in the arms but they are freakishly strong. As for promoting, I am a communication specialist, we can discuss more tonight;)

Adam said...

Is it Wednesday already?

edluv said...

so, we didn't talk about your promoting. and, i still want an update on the tourney standings.

edluv said...

i think your blog doesn't have dates on it so we can't tell how long it has been between updates.

Adam said...

That's her plan so you can't kick her off the blogroll.

Lulu said...

precisely adam

edluv said...

this will just make me more capricious. if i don't feel you've posted enough lately and away you go.