Wednesday, December 30

Kick your own arse

I quite possibly have found the best butt workout of all time. I have always had issues with my booty because growing up anything different can far too easily be misconstrued as bad. A girls self esteem is very delicate from about the age of 12, until the confidence finally (and hopefully) kicks in and this can lead to a lot of ridiculous thoughts and feelings. I used to HATE my butt. It stuck out, it was prominent and I somehow didn't realize this was actually a good thing.

I eventually accepted the junk in my trunk and have actually grown quite fond of it. Instead of making it smaller, I decided to pump that bad boy up and accentuate it as much as possible. I have done a lot of squats and lunges in my day which were pretty effective, but I recently came upon a really great workout for the ass that has worked well for me. If you want a juicy, firm, meaty booty in 2010 I would highly reccomend incorporating it.

I do 12 reps of each exercise, per leg if I am doing each leg individually (depending on the exercise):

Leg Press
Looks like this, but place feet high on the press, your toes should go over the top slightly, so you emphasize your backside instead of your quads, although you are definitely still using your quads for this. Focus on pushing with your heels.

Follow up with a calf press by placing your feet low so your heels are hanging off. Straighten your legs and press up with your toes.

Weighted Step Ups:
You can use a barbell or dumbbells. Try not to use the leg you are dragging behind you to push you up, all the work should be done on the leading leg. Also don't do this move quickly but slowly and in a controlled manner. If you are just starting out you can also do it without weight, or use a lower step instead of a bench.

Plie Squat:
First of all in the above pic girlfriend is not going down low enough, you want your legs to be paralell to the ground. Her foot positioning is right on though, toes should point out and you don't want your legs any closer or further apart than the girl in the pic. You should really feel this on your inner thigh and be sure to squeeze your butt on your way up. To make it more challenging grab a dumbbell and hold it with striaght arms between your legs.

Walking Lunge:
There should be no stopping or pausing during this and make sure your knee does not pass your toes when you are lunging. Lunges should be a standard in leg workouts, they really work the entire leg well, including the arse.

Kneeling Kickbacks:
You REALLY feel this deep in you gluets. You can also do this on your hand and knees on the floor but you have a greater range of motion doing it this way and the added weight makes you work harder. Get in this position and keeping your leg straight, raise it up behind you as far as it will go, lower and repeat. This is a weighted exercise so you need to use a cable machine you can attach an ankle strap to. Use as much weight as you can to make it difficult, but make sure you are able to do 12 reps with correct form. If you do several reps and find your form isn't good because it is too heavy, lower the weight and continue until you get to 12.

Stability Ball Hamstring Roll:
Lay down with your back on the floor and put your heels on a stability ball. Lift your pelvis so your body is straight and in a pike position, arms on the floor at your side helping to stabilize you. Pull your legs towards you, rolling the ball as you go, until you are in the position shown in the picture. Roll the ball back to the starting position and perform 12 times.

Do this workout twice a week for the best results and here is a little inspiration!

1 comment:

Adam said...

Hahaha, best spam comment ever.