Wednesday, September 30

Ewww. ick. gross. puke. gag

Yesterday at the gym I was sweating up a storm and when I went to wipe my face I noticed something on my towel I hadn't noticed when I was using it earlier, a short curly black hair. Oh god please let it be from someones head! Oh and the towel wasn't one I brought from home, I get my towels at the gym, although I am now rethinking that practice...


Adam said...

Just one more reason to avoid the gym. :-P

Lulu said...

Yeah, screw my health and mental well being, who needs it. ;)

Adam said...

Hey, you can rub someones pubes on your face if you want. I'm just adding it to my list of reasons.

Lulu said...

Like I have said before, some of us can eat fast food every day and not work out and remain thin and reasonably healthy but some of us have to rub pubes on our face to get that way. Guess what category I am in;)

m.wise said...

did you check to make sure the shorts you were wearing didn't have a hole in them before you go blaming that little spring-loaded guy on someone else???

Carrie said...

Hahaha, Mike! Attack of the short and curlies!

Lulu said...

hahahaha! I threw those pants out Mike, it was not one of mine. Besides I dont wipe my crotch at the gym!
Spring loaded though, ha!

Adam said...

Hey, no hard feelings. Rub away.

Adam said...

(And just for a serious second, I'll reiterate that I have a physical and active job too so I do burn more calories than most office workers, but I do have the metabolism thing too. ;-) )

Monticore said...

I'm sure the pubs were throughly washed and dried by the laundry service but still very gross.

Lulu said...

Yea I am sure they were Monti, they are always coming out with warm freshly washed towels that smell of bleach. That does make it less gross. It may not be my pube but it was a clean one!