Friday, August 14

My Clean Recipe of the Week

Ok so this recipe is a lame excuse for an actual recipe but it is clean and it is yummy. Remember clean eaters should eat every 4 hours or so so smaller more snack like meals are neccesary to keep your hunger at bay and to keep your energy level consistent throughout the day. A really good healthy, clean food is low fat cottage cheese. I haven't been very fond of this food in the past and I have tried different things to add to cottage cheese to make it more palatable for me like fruit and nuts, but this week I found my favorite combination is cottage cheese and cantelope. Cantelope is such a sweet melon that it balances the cottage cheese and makes it more interesting in texture and flavor.

So the recipe is as follows:

Cottage cheese (1/2 cup to 1 cup depending on how hungry you are)
Cantelope cut up in chunks (however much you want!)

I plan on making a chicken fingers recipe this weekend that I will post next week.

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