Thursday, August 20

The Cross Body Dumbbell Hammer Curl

For anyone who has seen my collection of muscle and fitness magazines or my big binder of weight training, you know that I love lifting weights. Having those resources available help me to change my routine on a monthly basis and prevent workouts from getting stale and boring, not to mention preventing my muscles from getting too effecient and thus not working as hard. You have to confuse the muscle to continue to build it.

The biceps are a part of the body that on men especially, are something people like to show off. You ask someone to flex and typically they flex their bicep and not say their calves. Most people though don't do a lot of variation on the lifts they use to build this muscle. Barbell curls and dumbbell curls are the most commonly performed. There are variations of these lifts such as hand placement, grip and the position your body is in when they are performed, all of which work well. My favorite bicep exercise variation though has to do with the hammer curl.

The hammer curl is basically holding dumbbells and with your plams facing in to your body, you lift the weights up, keeping your elbow close to your body. It mimics the motion your arms make when you run. Doing this exercise doesn't quite give you that same squeezing feeling you get in your bicep with a regular bicep curl though. I admit, I like that feeling. A variation of the hammer curl is the cross body dumbbell hammer curl. I really like this exercise but I have never seen anyone else at the gym doing it.

The movement begins the same as a hammer curl, but instead of lifting straight up you cross the weight over to the opposite side of your body that you are holding the weight. So if you are performing this lift with your right arm, you bring it up and across your body towards the left side of your chest. More of a visual person? Me too, here is a video of a buffed out veiny man performing this exercise complete with death metal playing in the background:

I like that this guys head is cut off so you can picture any mug you want. I like to think that this guy has glasses, acne and is a total geek. Chances are he probably just looks like a douche bag though. Anyway use your imagination.

So if you are at the gym and looking for a way to change up your routine, try this variation. Oh and consult your physician before starting any exercise program (ha, does anyone actually do this?)


Carrie said...

That man's body freaks me the eff out. It looks like he has worms crawling under his skin. I hope you don't go that far, Lulu!

Lulu said...

haha Carrie, if I start looking like that hold an intervention and take away the steroids!

Carrie said...

You should make your own work-out videos! I know people.

Adam said...

Hahaha, that video should be titled "The Gross Body Dumbbell Hammer Curl"

Lulu said...

I know, when I google videoed it it was this guy and some other guy who was actually more gross. Ha, maybe I should make my own to save you guys from having to look at that!

Unknown said...

really good piece of information.Thanks a lot once again, Regards,
bicep workouts