Thursday, July 2

My Other Celebrity Fitness Crush...

My first celebrity fitness crush is Jessica Biel (for obvious reasons):

But coming in at a close second is Hilary Swank:

I loved her in Million Dollar Baby, but I can't watch the end of that movie.

Although women with muscle aren't exactly the new "it" girls in the media, it is refreshing to see. If I either of those girls at the gym, I would steal their workouts. I am also incredibly jealous that despite their muscle and low body fat, they both still have breasts. Lucky them, they look great.


Monticore said...

I was watching What's Love Gotta Do With It last night and I have to say that I couldn't stop looking at Angela Basset's guns. I don't know how impressive they are these days but wow they were awesome.

Lulu said...

Oooh good call, I had forgotten about her and she does have some guns!

Madison said...

Holy shit, that's a hot photo of Hilary running on the beach. Super envious, wish I was that toned!