Monday, March 16

St. Patrick's Day is On Its Way

With St. Patrick's day being tomorrow, two things have come to my mind. First, I need to make sure that I pick up a good pair of ear plugs before tomorrow night so I can sleep and second, just exactly how many calories are in those Irish beverages we all love to consume?

The answer to the second question turns out to be not so bad for me since I am not a beer drinker and Jamison would be my whiskey of choice:

Draft pint of Guinness Stout = 210 calories
12-ounce serving of Harp Lager = 142 calories
Two-ounce shot of Jameson Whiskey = 138 calories

Ahh Whiskey, you never let me down.

Although I probably won't be drinking any of these beverages tomorrow night (it is a school night afterall) I thought this might be helpful to others and it is also good to know for future reference.


Adam said...

Just for this post, I'm going to drink a whole 6 pack of Guinness on your lawn and be loud until you call the police.


Lulu said...

No Adam, because it is you I will make an exception and instead of calling the police, I will just come downstairs and beat you with the baseball bat next to my bed until you ecide one way or another to be quiet:)
Don't mess with a girls beauty sleep!

Justin said...

You inspired run downstairs and grab a drink. We don't keep Irish whiskey in the house, so I emptied a bottle of Glenmorangie. Are there any Scottish saints?

Tomorrow I'll follow your lead and go for Irish. You should follow mine and let the boss know you'll be in a little late on Wednesday. You're young, get out there. If you don't you know the dice riff raff will give you shit all week.

Monticore said...

No way as Ed said tonight why go out to have over priced little drinks with a bunch of A-holes.

Adam said...

Yeah, we should all just get a bottle of Jameson's and stay in tonight, like real Irish...drunk at home...alone.

Lulu said...

I think I watching The Boondock Saints sounds loverly.
I refuse to eat any cabbage though.

edluv said...


and justin, there are scottish saints. like st. andrew.

Justin said...

right, of golf course fame

edluv said...

and flag fame.