Wednesday, October 29

Not The Fresno Bee Letter to the Editor But...

I am listening to NPR and they are discussing the fact that gun ownership has been increasing recently which some experts are attributing in part to the downturn of the economy and others site an unknown cause in late 2006. Jacob however called in and has a different take altogether. After talking to his neighbor that owns (3) guns, he is convinced there will be mass riots after the election regardless of the outcome. If Obama wins, riots and the assassination of Obama. If McCain wins, riots. so Jacob will be getting a gun before the election to protect himself. You have been warned.


Adam said...

I've been hearing this from several sources as well. And I've also heard several commenters reflect on what they may do if Obama wins. Shit, one of those excerpts I posted today had a guy who was toeing the line of violence should Dems have a strong victory in this election.

It's fucking scary.

edluv said...

shoot, the "liberals" only threaten to move to canada, and then say they were just exaggerating.