Wednesday, July 16

Technically chanlleged work annoyance number 6,238

My dad cannot be bothered with checking his own email. My mom is usually who checks his account, prints out the emails (yes ALL of his emails are to be printed out) and sends out his responses. When my mom isn't here I am responsible for doing this.

My dad is a Rotary member and is on a board of some sort there and one of his Rotary buddies sends out at 5-10 emails a day, mostly those fyi emails or here-is-what-I-am-working-on-so-I-am-going-to-fill-your-inbox-with-crap-you-don't-care-about emails. Occasionally it will be an email to solicit a response. For example, today he asked that the members vote yay or nay on something and he would send out an email with the results. Every single member, except my dad (or me actually), hit reply all so I have been getting emails all day from people saying "yay".

Frick. Frick. Frick.


Adam said...

Aaaaah old people.

carly said...

Respond with:


Adam said...

I just noticed that your "technically challenged" post had a mispelled title. Love it.

Lulu said...

Oops! Thats pretty awesome of me:)