Tuesday, July 1

The Man in My Life

Recently Mike asked me if I had any men in my life. My answer was "no, but there is this dog named Maynard that I love". Here he is looking awfully adorable:

He comes in the office to visit me every morning, well actually he probably comes to see me because I give him treats but whatever, I still love him even if he is using me for chicken drumstick treats. The super (also Mike) who owns Maynard keeps saying he needs to breed him so he can give me a puppy but we'll see if he follows through with it.

Mike was really depressed and angry before he got Maynard and since then, he is much happier and jovial when he comes in the office. His change in mood has drastically improved. And When he first brought Maynard in, Maynard was really nervous and unenergetic and didn't want to interact with anyone. Now he is this happy little wiggly puppy dog that lights everyone up when they see him.

Dogs are the best and I really really want one.


carly said...


1. That dog is REE-DICULOUSLY cute.
2. The fact that his name is Maynard makes him even cuter.
3. If you get one, you'll need a big purse to carry him in.

timidvenus said...

i heart that doggie

Adam said...

Maybe you could just switch Maynard out for a teddy bear and Mike won't notice?

Lulu said...

Seriously Adam, I thought the same thing when I saw the first pic. He also looks a bit like a miniature Chewbacca - I havent heard him make the noise though but dogs can be trained. How awesome would that be?