Wednesday, April 23

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

Cinco de Mayo is coming! Cinco de Mayo is coming!

In case you didnt know, the holiday of Cinco De Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862. Not being of Mexican ancestory I don't have a strong tie (or any tie at all for that matter) to the original meaning of the holiday but I like the celebrate the culture of Mexico. They after all are our closest foreign neighbors and they make some damn good food.

I want to have a Cinco de Mayo celebration on the Saturday before the 5th, which would be the 3rd of May. You cant take tequila shots on a Monday night and expect to go to work in the morning, it just isnt going to happen so Saturday works better. I want to make dinner and have drinks at my place, maybe a pinata, and and then we can wander around to our usual locations and continue the celebrating.

Before I send out an evite though, will people be around and interested?


Adam said...

I should be around and interested.

edluv said...

oh i think i'm both that weekend (around and interested).

and, i'm even mexican. not that it means much.

Lulu said...

Awesome, I will start planning then and get out an evite!(because as long as the two of you are there its a party in my book- just dont blog about it Ed, ha)

edluv said...

shit, we'll podcast about it.