Thursday, November 8

Largest Cross in the US

So last night I was talking about the big crosses I saw driving cross country and according to google the largest cross in the US is in Groom, Texas and is 19 stories tall. The cross weigh 1,250 tons or 2 1/2 million pounds and took 8 months to complete. And if you believe that there just aren't enough of these eyesores err large crosses, you can donate some money to help them with their goal of putting these "awesome crosses all over America" at this website (warning if you click on this it will play really god awful music so you might want to mute the sound). I also included a picture of hot air balloon Jesus next to the cross for scale purposes and also for the fact that they made a hot air balloon Jesus I found hilarious.


Adam said...

It makes me want to buy a parcel of land near there and build the largest guillotine, iron maiden, and thumbscrews.

Hey, why not, I mean, it could be a whole collection of ancient torture devices.

Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if Jesus had been drawn and quartered. Little necklaces with knives on them?

edluv said...

that is a funny picture