Tuesday, September 25

Looks like Warren Jeffs will be spending some time in jail, possibly even receiving a life sentence, after being convivted of being an accomplice to rape. Jeffs is the leader of polygamous Mormom sect in Utah where he performed the wedding between the victim and a 19 year old man, when the victim was 14 years old.
The defense said authorities were persecuting Jeffs because of his religious beliefs, which include practicing plural marriage as the way to heaven. "His church, his religious beliefs is what's on trial here, and it's being dressed up as a rape," attorney Walter Bugden argued.

This was not a polygamous marriage, it was only one husband and one wife in this instance therefore his religious beliefs are not what was in question, the following quote address what is:
She said she repeatedly told Jeffs that she did not want to be married and was uncomfortable with her new husband's sexual advances. Jeffs advised her to pray and to submit to her husband, learn to love him, and bear his children -- or risk losing her "eternal salvation," she said

When a 14 year old girl is told by an authority figure to have sex even though she is terrified and doesn't want to do it or she will go to hell, is a pretty clear cut case of rape.
Religious sects like this one are so dangerous because you are indoctrinated into these beliefs from birth and are not allowed to think any differently because if you do you are told that you are going to be burned in hell for it. For women this is especially destructive since they are the ones that typically hold no power and are told to submit to husbands or any other male figure.
Some followers play the tapes all day long, listening as a droning Jeffs describes a woman's duty to be submissive, "Negro" devilishness and the right of God's anointed leader to "rule in all areas of life." Jeffs drove home the first point during a home economics class taught by his first wife, Annette. Jeffs ordered male students to join female classmates in the meeting hall. Jeffs grabbed his wife's long braid and twisted it, sending her to her knees. A man has a duty, he said, to be a leader. And a wife needs to be submissive, no questions asked.
"He left. The boys left. She got up, fixed her hair and went on talking," said Jessop, 31, who witnessed the display. "She was a fun person. I think that is why he did it to her."

Maybe now that he is going to jail he will see what it is like to be submissive.


Adam said...

Yeah, religion is not a cover for lack of consent. It doesn't even matter if the two people involved are married. No means no.

edluv said...

"Maybe now that he is going to jail he will see what it is like to be submissive."

are you advocating rape?

edluv said...

chicken police + vigilantism against leaf blower man + prison rape = ?

Lulu said...

I am not advocating rape. His whole philosophy on life is that women should be submissive to men in every possible way, not just sexually. In prison he will have no one to dominate over and will more than likely be dominated by someone else, sexually or otherwise.

I think it is interesting to have the tables turn on someone like that so that he can have an idea of how he has made life for other people. I am not advocating his rape, but I am saying he is likely to experience what he has made women experience his whole life while in prison. It just is what it is and rather karmic.

And by the way Chicken police was funny, at least to me, apparantly no one else was in agreement on that but it was pure comedy in my opinion.

As for the leaf blower man, you wake me up at 4:30 in the morning, you brought any vigilanstism on yourself - which basically includes me in bed cursing and grumbling at you.

Adam said...

Or he'll take over Cell Block D and be the pimpinest pimp.

Lulu said...

I really just want to know would happen if he tries to take some convict by the hair to try to get him to go down on his knees.

Adam said...

Go down on his knees eh? That's kinky. I've never had anyone go down on my knees. How does that work?

Lulu said...

You know what I mean, jack ass. Shesh!

edluv said...

i thought chicken police was funny. i just didn't comment on it.

but, the combination of it all shows how lululand is moving toward fascism. it must by the v.d. causing insanity.

[btw, kasey, i know you don't have some std. if this lingering joke (lingering like herpes) is getting on your nerves, let me know and i'll stop.]

Lulu said...

That would be lovely, thank you. Don't worry there is always plenty more to tease me about so you wont be short on material:)