Monday, March 8

The Dog

Sunday we took a walk with Nika to Starbucks. She loves these walks and everyone we meet loves her. Everytime we do this we have multiple people coming up to us and talking to us about her. She is quite the charmer. Unfortunately she is also not very well behaved when she is in a new situation or surrounded by people. It is almost too much for her to handle-too many new smells and people and sights-and she gets on sensory overload and forgets her manners. It is nothing terrible though, she will just jump up on us (not other people, thank goodness)and she is so strong that she pulls pretty badly on her leash. That is the extent of it though.

She meet a puppy friend at Starbucks though and charmed an old man and possibly convinced another man to get a lab, then we headed home. On the way home we decided to just keep on walking down to Fresh and Easy to pick up some things for a salad I was bringing over to his moms house later. Mike stayed outside with Nika and I went inside and was perusing the produce when I see a flash of blonde out of the corner of my eye. I look up and there is Nika barreling towards me in the produce aisle of the Fresh and Easy. A second later Mike runs in after her, holding up a collar attached to a leash. Oh dear. She had backed out of her collar (that obviously isn't tight enough)and took off after me.

She ran right to me, wagging her tail just seeing what I was up to. She is funny because when we are at home if Mike and I are ever in different room she spends her time going back and forth between us. If one of us isn't there, she will look for the other and keeps doing this until we are all in the same room togeher and only then will she relax. She knew I was in the store and just wanted to check on me and make sure she wasn't missing out on anything. Mike quickly catches up to her but she isn't great at letting us put her collar on so she does what she usually does and flops down and rolls over on her back so we can scratch her belly.

One of the employees came up and Mike apologizes and starts taking her away when the employees goes "wait! can I pet her?". There she goes again, I thought, charming everyone she meets. So the employee chatted with us for awhile and Nika enjoyed her little adventure.

I can't wait to see what she does next:)

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