In an interview Janzen states:
"I had remembered the Mennonites of my youth as congenial folks, so it wasn't a surprise that I loved them as an adult. What was a surprise was that I loved what they stood for - I loved the faith itself, and the way they consistently demonstrated what they believed. For instance, when my mom learned that an elderly woman from her church was recuperating from a surgery, it wasn't a question of if she would visit. It was a question of whether to bring homemade zwiebach or a tray of platz. It was the genuine human warmth of this community that set me thinking about faith in new ways."
It looks like it would be an interesting read and I know some of you who read my blog are quite familiar with the religion so I thought you might mind it interesting as well.
you should ask carrie about her grandma's book.
All Janzen's are related. :-P
Three books. The last one was published posthumously. Forbidden, The Jade Bracelet (my fave of the first two), & Storm Warning(haven't read yet). Written by a genuine Mennonite and definitely a warm and giving human being :-)
Thanks Woody :-)
I'm not sure if she is related to Dennis, but I know that Edmund is her father. Most of the FPU crowd had him for at least one class (JCC) and some of us had him for a couple.
I read a great review about this and sent it on to my mom. She was going to buy the book. I'll let you know if she liked it.
I'm curious about the books carrie mentioned...
I saw this book the other day too and was curious. I'll but it in my que
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