Monday, October 26

Before and After: Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations

After a lot of hard work, here are the results:

Kitchen Before #1:

After #1:

Before #2:

After #2:

Before 3:

After 3:

I haven't decorated the dinning room yet, but it was painted khaki for a nice clean look that can be spiced up with lots of color.
So that's my minty green happy kitchen, now on to the guest bathroom.

Bathroom Before:

Bathroom After:

I am happy with the way the bathroom came together, I wasn't sure if it would or not.

Next up, my golden girls bathroom! I love the golden girls, hate that bathroom:)

Stay Tuned.


Adam said...

I dig the color in the bathroom. Great progress report, it all looks very nicely done.

Lulu said...

Thank you Adam! I really enjoyed doing the work too (although wish I wasn't so rushed). It feels good to know that you did it yourself. At the shower one of my distant relatives was talking to my mom and I overheard her say, "you mean she did this herself even though your husband is a contractor?". Yes indeed! It isn't perfect but I am proud of it:)

Carrie said...

That's really awesome. Way to do it yourself!

miriam said...

Looks great Kasey! I love the colors you chose.