Tuesday, August 25

Swine Flu

Tennesse, our project manager, and his daughter has swine flu. It is not really suprising since he is always sick that he would get this but hopefully it doesn't become a severe case. So far it is just a bad flu with respiratory problems so I wish him and his daughter a speedy recovery.


Adam said...

Good times, good times.

Carrie said...

One of my girlfriends got it too! I think it was just a mild case though. I'm trying to decide if I'd rather get it now before it mutates and develop the antibodies or try to avoid it all together.

Monticore said...

Just don't listen to Coast to Coast about all the crazy conspiracy theories surrounding the flu and vaccine. I can't say much but the words bio-weapon and systemized population control come up quite often.

miriam said...

In all honesty as the mother of a four year old who will be starting preschool any day now, this Swine flu thing is scaring the shit out of me. However, so did the bird flu and the flu itself.

How old is Tennesse's daughter?

Lulu said...

His daighter is a teenager, I think 15 and also has a history of medical problems, which is one of the reasons they were effected. Neither of them are very healthy.

Monticore said...

It'll be okay Mirm. Sophia eats her veggies and she seems pretty robust.