Today I am 29 years old. Thats right, one more year left in my twenties and it is hello 30's! I have to say, getting closer to the big 3-0 is a lot better than I thought it would be. Some say that with age comes wisdom, but for me with age comes acceptence which I guess is a form of wisdom. 10 years ago I was insecure and unsure of myself. Now, I feel confident and I like who I am. I have flaws and don't always make the best decisions but that is ok, perfection is boring anyway, right?
I am a lot more honest with myself than I have ever been. Oh yeah I can be moody and my tolerance for really drunk people is quite low. I am not incredibly social but I get lonely sometimes. I have a tendancy to react to things first and then think through them and then regret my initial reaction. I can get stuck in a rut and then loathe myself when I do, but overall these are all a part of who I am. I can acknowledge these imperfections but I will probably need to continue to work on improving these areas my entire life.
My life is no where near what I thought it would be when I was 29, which is not at all depressing but quite funny. I can't really imagine being married with 2 kids right now, ick! I have always been a bit of a late bloomer though and generally go through things a few ywars after my friends do which is neither good nor bad, but is just my pace in life.
I intend to enjoy 29 but I will also be happy to be reach the 30 year mile stone. Next year I will turn 30, my mom and dad will both turn 60 and my Grandpa will be 90! Kinda cool the way that works. So that is all I have to say about my birthday. I intend on having a normal day, work, gym and then go home and enjoy the fact that I have a house by mowing the lawn:)
Happy Birthday girl! Hope you have a great birthday week!
so, you will be having a child some time next year?
Um no. Probably eventually, but no plans in the near future. I should probably focus on getting a date first. Well to be accurate, a date with someone of quality that I am attracted to.
Happy Birthday from one late bloomer to another. Love the pic!
Happy Birthday, Kasey!
happy birthday, and congrats on being comfier in your own skin.
one question, what are "ywars?" is that when you ask why and then fight about it? :>
ha! I make a lot of typing errors but my spell check doesn't want to work on my blog and I am too lazy to read it carefully to check for them. I just accept that about myself;) So yeah that should be "years" not "ywars", but I like your creative definition.
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