Monday, February 23

I want to go backpaking, who is with me?

I had a dream last night about hiking in the Sierras, I really did. I could practically smell the pine trees and mountain air it was such a vivid dream. When I woke up I felt sad because I realized how long it has been since I have gone hiking or camping and I have never been backpacking on any overnight trips.

The dream was spurred because I watched Nature on PBS last night and they had a show on wolves in Yellowstone. The vistas and mountains they showed were gorgeous. I forget too quickly sometimes how wonderful it feels to be outside in the vast spaces of wilderness, to breathe and smell clean air, the quiet, and the night sky that is filled with bright stars. I really do love being up there.

So I would really really like to plan a backpacking or at the very least a camping trip this summer. If you are interested let me know and we can actually sit down soon and plan something in advance with maps and trails and everything instead of saying yes lets and then never talking about it again.

Who is in?


Adam said...

I'd be happy to join you. And my dad and brothers and I have plenty of extra gear to help out if someone doesn't have stuff.

edluv said...

i dreamed that someone stole the tags off my car.

Lulu said...

Thats because you are paranoid Ed.

edluv said...

it's true. well, not so much paranoid as slightly ocd.

and we like camping.

Lulu said...

What month works best for everyone?