Monday, December 8

I So Know What I am Going To Be Doing Tonight...

My dad is the king of random gifts. Every Christmas I get the "Dad" gift that is usually a little off in some way. One year it was a leg lamp from the movie A Christmas Story and last year he got me a really cool down vest but it was a size Extra Large because he thought I would want something bigger to keep me warmer when I ran (I said nothing because its little thoughtful things like that - however off - that endear me to people).

Today he went to the store during work and came back with this for me:

He said the office needed a Gingerbread House so I get to do it. Sweet, I love projects like these. I havent made a Gingerbread House since elementary school so it should be fun. I will take a picture of the result. Hmmm I suddenly have the craving for hot chocolate...


m.wise said...

do you get into details when it comes to stuff like this? meaning, will your house look better than the one on the box, or will you just put something together in an attempt to finish it? just wondering.

Adam said...

Fun! That's nifty!

Monticore said...

Oh wow I wish I got to do that today. You should make it a model of the office you know put the sign out front in icing.

Lulu said...

Well I didnt get to it last night, lost track of time and didnt get home until later than I expected and I didnt want to start it and not give it the time and attention I wanted to. I should be able to bust it out tonight though.

Mike-I will always start out trying to be very detailed and better than the house on the box for sure. Usually though as the project wears on my patience lessens and I can get distracted and at that point shrug my shoulders and just finish it.

Monti- What a great idea! I think I am going to try do that.

m.wise said...

next year, this should become a group activity like the carving of the pumkins. i think it would be a lot of fun for us to do together. that may be very 5th grade of me, but it sounds fun.

Kris10 said...

Since when do offices have gingerbread houses...yep, Dad is random!

Lulu said...

Next year?? Why not this year, I can do 2 gingerbread house, that would be fun!

m.wise said...

tell me where to buy one and i'm on it!

Adam said...

And then we can do stress tests to see who can build the strongest gingerbread house!