Monday, September 22

I didnt watch the Emmy's last night, I didnt even realize they were on, but being bombarded with best and worst dressed lists on websites this morning I was soon reminded. Obviously I am not going to pass up a chance to let my fashion opnion known, but I will keep it short to my favorite and my least favorite dressed actress so as not to torture the 3 of you who read my blog and could care less.

First, the worst.

Julia-Louis Dreyfus, who I like a lot as an actress, just wasn't cutting it in this cut out orange-cicle dress. It reminds me of flipping through Seventeen magazine during prom season where every other page are prom dresses advertisements which I always found to be strangely outdated and often included a lot of dresses with cut outs like the one under her boobs. I never really got the point of that cut out in particular, it seems to be too small to be titalating and it isnt particularly edgy so why have it? I like that she took a bit of a risk with color but her whole look is off and she doesnt look very comfortable.

And the best:

I didnt see her dress on any list but I think Kyra Sedgwick looks fantastic. I like the length of the dress, she didnt go for the typical long gown but it fits her perfectly. Her hair also looks great - thats the look I always try to go for but fail at miserably every time. Except for the jewel encrusted neckline the dress is really simple but stunning.

I heard the show was actually pretty bad but the quote I put on my blog from Tina Fey after winning for 30 Rock was great:

"I thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done. That is what all parents should do."


Monticore said...

I watched a good deal of the show. Jimmy Kimel's program before the show was great. I really loved the guy from the British office when he gave Steve Corell shit for accepting his emmy last year.

In regards to fashion most of what I saw was good. But Tina Fey was my favorite she looked lovely.

Lulu said...

I didnt like her hair all that much but she did look good in that dress. I think it was mostly her hair color though, she needs to brighten that up a little when she is wearing black.