Friday, September 26

The debtate is a go which means there will be a lot of concerned and thoughtful american citizens that will be evaluating the candidates tonight, and an equal amount getting plastered by making it a drinking game. Of course there will also be a smaller population doing both. I came across this list of the more creative drinking games out there.

My personal favorites:

McCain claims the 'fundamentals of our economy are strong'–finish your drink and write a bad check to your landlord.

The cameras pan out to Cindy McCain–swallow all the pills you can find and finish your drink.

Everytime Obama says “Bush” (finish your drink if he’s referring to Cindy McCains. )
When either candidate shakes his head, rolls his eyes, finish your beer for an Al Gore sigh.

McCain sings “Bomb, Bomb Iran”

McCain uses self-deprecating humor to comment on his age–mix whiskey with Metamucil and sip while asking the person next to you when you’re going to have grandchildren.

McCain says 'my friends' more than three times–open the front door and scream, 'I am not your goddamn friend, McCain,' pound your beer and throw the empty in the street


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