Friday, August 22

Work Vent

It has been awhile since I have posted a work vent post mainly because things have been pretty ok at work. I am busier, have more responsibilities and have had virtually no conflict with my dad for quite sometime. The inability of certain colleagues to make logical decisions can be quite irritating to me though.

Part of my job is to submit submittals from our subcontractors to the architects for approval. When they are reviewed by the architect I get them back and send them back to the subs as either approved or rejected and instructions. The project manager has the technical knowledge of these submittals and has to check them against the spec to make sure they are submitting the right things. He also gets them back first when they are returned from the architect so he is aware of whats going on and can contact the sub if there is a problem.

When they come back from the Architect, the Architect always includes a letter of transmittal with all pertinent information, including comments. A copy of this letter of transmittal always goes back to the sub as well. For some unknown reason Tennesse re-writes all of these comments on another transmittal that he gives to me and also take the time to re-write the project name and submittal number and superintendent -- all information that is already in the submittal and letter of transmittal. This is what I am talking about:

Letter of Transmittal from Architect:

Tennesse's letter of transmittal:

Notice that he word-for-word re-wrote the architects comments, even though I am also given the architects letter of transmittal to give to the sub. All the information that he took the time to write is completely unneccesary because it is already there. I used to think he was doing it just to help me out but I told him I dont need any of it written down because it is already in the submittal but he wont stop doing it and wont really respond to my questioning of it.

This doesnt really effect me or my job, but he is always complaining about being really busy all of the time and he is like comcast turtle slow when it comes to everything he does. So you would think that telling him not to do something to save him time would be beneficial, but no. It is just so irritating to me when someone has chosen not to make a logical decision but has no reasons whatsoever for being illogical. It doesnt benefit him in an way (in fact it takes away from the time he could be doing other productive things) and it doesnt benefit me in anyway yet he probably spends at least a half an hour on this per day.

Then again he also doesn't use punctuation of any kind so maybe I am expecting too much.


Adam said...

Sounds to me like he knows it's a time waster and uses it that way. I have several coworkers that complain about having so much to do but still wasting time. It's small talk. They don't really mean they want to be more efficient with their time. They just want to bitch about work being really busy and then slack off some more.

Lulu said...

Yeah I agree. I think there is a lot of harder work that needs to be done and he is just trying to procastinate as long as possible.

edluv said...

yep, i'm with both of you. he's doing it to take up time w/bs.

Adam said...

You'd think he could just figure out another way. Maybe you could suggest that he spend more time taking longer craps.

Lulu said...

If you added up the time he spends in the bathroom and re-writing transmittals he is looking at a 2 hour work day.