Thursday, June 12

"Are You Nuts?"

Here is video of my mom reacting for the first time to a picture of my tattoo. I have been wearing dresses so I havent been able to show them the actual tattoo yet. It is a classic mom reaction, note the deer in the headlights look she gives me. Unfortunately the video on my phone cuts off after 30 seconds but you get the idea.

My dad still doesnt know but I think this may be a win for me under Operation Parents Flip Their Shit.

Transcript of convo for those who dont have sound:

Me: Go look at my computer screen, see if it is something you recognize
Mom: Thats not you?
Me: That is me!
Mom: You did that?
Me: I did that.
Mom: You have that on your body?
Me: That is on me.
Mom: Are you nuts?
Me: No
Mom: Why did you do that?
Me: Its beautiful!
Mom:Yeah but are you going to want that when you are 85 years old?

This is where the video stops but she continued to say I dont understand why you would want to have that - I just dont get it - Does your sister know? etc. etc.


Adam said...

I can't wait to watch this with sound. Can you transcribe or paraphrase what she says?

edluv said...


and why does your mom think you'll make it to 85? doesn't she know that your life partner is going to go into a rage (after consuming much tuoca) and put an end to you?

Lulu said...

I havent told her that yet Ed, thats Operation Parents Flip Their Shit part deux.

m.wise said...

kasey, you're the best! thanks for putting the conversation on the page for me!!!

Adam said...

I love how you didn't actually show her, but made her look at a picture of it on your computer. Too funny.

Lulu said...

I couldnt show her without mooning her because I have been wearing dresses, but it was more fun to be able to see her face anyway I think. That face she made was classic.

And Mike you are welcome, I have extensive transcribing experiemce so a 30 second long clip was a piece of cake!

edluv said...


oh really, you've got extensive transcribing experiemce?

soooooo funny right now.

Lulu said...

I didnt say I could transcribe without spell check:)

carly said...

This rivals Georgia peeing on Adam.

I'm not sure which one I love more...

m.wise said...

why choose, carly. i think you can enjoy them both equally well.

edluv said...

next time you've got to show them the one just above your, well, err, your whoohaa. that'll let 'em know you're nuts.

Lulu said...

Ed, what is that even supposed to mean?

Monticore said...

Why does everyone care so much about what they are going to look like for the last miserable 5 years of their life??