Thursday, February 7

Tree Fresno's 11th Annual Run Through The Trees

Coming up on Sunday March 9th, I will be running in Tree Fresno's 12th annual Run Through The Trees in Tower. The 6.1 mile run starts at 8:00 AM and a 2 mile Run/Walk starts at 8:05. The race starts at the corner of Van Ness and Olive and ends at Wishon and Olive so if you don't want to run or walk it, you should come out and watch (Ed you could wave from your window). If you want to see the course and get more information go here.

The race fee is only 20 bucks and you get a free, and I am sure extremely cool t-shirt, porobably with trees on it. I believe this is also the same day as the 6th Annual Valley Classic Bike Race, so it will be an action packed day.


edluv said...

wave from my window?

you mean shoot at people from my window.

Lulu said...

Either way would be creepy really, but at leasy if you wave no one will die.
I am making an anonymous call to the police about this.