Friday, February 1

The Cummulative Effect

Some days small difficulties will arise and if they had happened in isolation of one another, they wouldn't be a big deal, but when they happen concurrently it can really mess up your day. Today is one such day. To start, I had problems with my email and I couldnt get a file to go through that was important to get out right away. I thought I would just fax it, but their fax was down. I had 4 additional correspondance to get out and I experienced a problem with every single one of them when usually there is no problems at all.

We had a bid yesterday for (2) Fresno Fire Stations (we were the low bidder so we were awarded the project which is great) so all of the companies that sent in a bid call us to see if we named them. I don't enjoy breaking bad news to people anyway, but today almost all of the subs who called in gave me attitude as well. My mom didn't come in today so I have to field all of the phone calls and explain to them that they didn't get it but I can't tell them how the placed because we don't let that information out, which they argue with me about. Two guys called in with very very thick accents so I had to ask them to repeat themselves which they didnt like.

One sub gave me attitude because he didn't return a call I made to him yesterday about his bid. Apparently I should have called him again. And then one of our subs wanted a set of plans and I told her they were at our office and to come pick them up but she wanted me to ship them to her. Their office is in downtown Fresno, 10 minutes away and it would cost at least 30 bucks to ship them. So I told her we wouldn't ship and she would have to come in. If we shipped plans to all of our subs, the cost would be almost 500 bucks a project. She made a big stink and I didn't waiver in my stance.

And so on and so forth. I have a headache. It is just one of those days where I think keeping a flask of whiskey at work would be a good idea.


m.wise said...

or scotch...from the public house

Lulu said...

Yeah that would be nice, are you going>?

Lulu said...

And the day keeps getting worse, thanks Dad.

Adam said...

That whisky might make things worse too.

Lulu said...

Probably not actually, I am not an angry drinker. Doesn't look like I will be drinking any whiskey or scoth tonight anyway though so have one for me.