Tuesday, July 31

Two Things...

It's baaack. My replacement phone came in the mail yesterday so you can now start using that number again. Unfortunately all of the voicemails you left me will go unlistened to.

Second, the combination of a vanilla latte and a Chocolate Almond Fudge Cliff Bar tastes like charcoal. You have been warned.


Adam said...

Who would taint a latte with vanilla in the first place. Blech.

Plus, I thought all Cliff bars tasted like charcoal.

Also, yay for your phone!

Lulu said...

Cliff Bars are an aquired taste, alone it tasted good but when I took a drink of the latte, bleh, bleh, bleh. And whathcu talkin bout Foo, vanilla lattes are heaven...

edluv said...

i think the bad taste came from the large amount of sawdust in the cliff bar, mixed with the sugar crystals of the latte. a + b = charcoal.