Wednesday, June 6

sometimes I want to strangle my mom (longest post ever)

Family time has not gone well with the Wilson's lately. My sister is here in town and my parents threw her and my brother-in-law a wedding reception on Saturday. I was witness to all of the hard work and money they put into getting the house looking nice and making all of the arrangements and everything was set for a good event. That is until my dad got involved. Now my dad is usually pretty dependable so although my mom and I questioned some of his ideas in regard to him being the MC of the event, he would respond "Don't worry, it will all make sense and all come toether". So despite our doubts, we let him run with it because he was so excited about doing this for my sister and has never done anything crazy before, we felt we could trust him. That was our first mistake. I won't go into detail but basically the theme was talk a really long time if you are up and talking in front of everyone and if it doesn't make any sense then thats even better. It was literally one embarassing distaster after the next and the night ended when a vase of flowers fell over and short circuited the dj after the 3rd song. My dad could not have been any further was so far off the mark with all of his ideas, and it resulted in my sister being incredibly embarassed, my mom in tears and me in desparate need of a stiff drink and a smoke. I am really not exagerating either. So ever since then things in my family have been tense. Take this conversation I had with my mom today:

"Hey mom I ordered more paper plates yesterday because we ran out"

"We ran out? I thought there were some in the back"

"Oh, I didn't know you kept plates there I thought you kept them in the kitchen"

"Didn't you look?"

"I didn't think to look because the only thing in the back is cleaning supplies and I didnt think they would be kept there-"

"You should have asked me"

"You haven't been here in 4 days-"

"You could have called, I have a phone" (by the way this was said almost viciously)

"I wasn't going to call you about every little thing. It is not big deal we will eventually use all the plates" (had I called her about paper plates, I guarantee she would have bitched about me bothering her about little things when she was taking some time off)

"We don't need to spend a lot of money on supplies and have a bunch of extras that arent neccesary and you go and order-"

"Dude mom we are talking about paper plates, I don't think it even cost 5 bucks. You want me to pay you 5 bucks and take the plates home I will" (yeah sarcasm galore)

"Don't say that" (non verbals here were pricelss, I thought her head was going to explode and daggers literally came out of her eyes)

At this point I am mad because she is being unreasonable and lame for no reason and I can't even get that across to her because she is hell bent on getting pissed off at me. Pretty much a pattern with her, I get most of my moms wrath in the family although I am not really sure why.

"You are being ridiculous mom, this is paper plates we are talking about"

Then she storms away I eat my hot pocket, just about boiling over myself but knowing I can't say anything because of 1)the fact that we are in the office and 2)she is thinking so irrationally because of her emotions I am not going to get anywhere. About 5 minutes later she comes in and apologizes. The stress and disappointment from the weekend has begun to overwhelm her and she took it out on me, and the paper plates of course. This happens a lot and she always apologizes later which is cool, but man I really want to strangle her sometimes.

Rant Concluded. Oh, families:)


Adam said...

Why don't you two direct your ire at pops? I mean, he was the one that hijacked the thing and flushed it down the bowl right?

edluv said...

i'm now done giggling because you typed hot pocket.

and wondering if you used the heat from the conversation to cook said hot pocket?

Adam said...

Hot pocket!

Adam said...

Sounds like a horny kangaroo.

Lulu said...

My dad just doesnt get it, he thinks everything went fine. And now the hot pocket song is stuck in my head, thanks guys.

Lulu said...

Actually it is just the phrase "hot pocket" being sung that is in my head.

hot pocket
hot pocket
hot pocket

And now it is stuck in yours:)I would rather not suffer alone.

Adam said...

Why don't you tell him how everything didn't go just fine? I mean, if you and everyone else had to suffer, why should his bubble of perceived perfection go undisturbed. I think not telling him how bad it was is only setting yourselves up for another incident down the road.