Tuesday, November 25

Oh how I loathe WinCo. Everytime I go there I end up leaving in a bad mood because of how rude and obnoxious people are. Obviously they have good prices which is why I go but a ot of people who shop there could use a lesson on politeness and common curtesy.

Since WinCo is right by my work I go there on lunch breaks, which is what I did today. I knew it wasnt going to be pretty because schools are out and people are shopping for Thanksgiving but I needed grocceries so I braved it. Naturally it was a zoo. I am not sure what is worse the kids running around and not looking where they are going or whose way they are in or the old people who shuffle along completely unaware that there are even other people around them. And without fail everytime I go I will inevitibly end up trapped in an aisle. Today was fun because the person blocking me was on a cell phone and not paying any attention so she was distracted and trying to find something and not only blocking my way with her cart but also talking and cursing loudly on her phone with children around.

But my favorite moment was when a lady ran into me with her cart, nailing me right about where my achilles is and she didnt even apologize. She stopped and looked right at me when I looked back but said nothing. Thanks lady. Bah!


edluv said...

which is why i shop at foodmaxx. it's not much better, but i like it.

i can't wait until fresh & easy opens downtown.

Monticore said...

That sucks. I saw that happen once at Food Maxx and I thought a brawl was going to go down.

But really I must confess that was a rude shopper the other day. I was rushing out of the mall (in a bad mood) and I brushed through the door and it basically slammed in the face of the person behind me. I felt bad but I just kept going.