Monday, August 25

Ok so seriously?

I know Mondays are generally blah but this is ridiculous. Here is a rundown of my life as of late:

- Hair dye fiasco (ok this technically happened last night and it really isnt that bad, I can still go out in public but bottomline, I have a lot of freakin gray hair)

- The AC unit in my bedroom seems to be going out and my landlord is out of town this week. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will hold up a little longer.

- Went to the dentist this morning and got a filling and at the same time found out I need a root canal on a tooth that was previously "fixed" by him. The icing on the cake is that it will also require a crown for a whoping total of $2,200. Fuuuck me.

- Had a severe allergy attack while at the dentist and have been sneezing, coughing and blowing my nose ever since. I have no idea what I cam in contact with but c'mon the dentist is bad enough I dont need to be worrying about snot dripping out of my nose while my tooth is getting drilled.

- I cannot digest lettuce anymore. Not sure when or why this has happened but it goes right through me and skips the whole digesting step. Salad was my go to veggie too, damnit.

And the good news:

- Ran 10 miles yesterday and felt really good, no pain whatsoever.

- Had the valley veggie for lunch, mmmmmm.

- Working out later will make me feel better, it always does.

So there you have it. My hair may be turning gray at warp speed and I may be the personafication of the salad shooter but things could always be a lot worse. I am going to read my new book tonight and go to bed early and tomorrow will be a new day. That starts with a root canal.


m.wise said...

it sounds like your parents don't offer you health insurance, or you do not pay for the health insurance they offer, or the health insurance they offer does not cover the dentist you go matter what scenario, $2,200 sucks. but you'll save that amount in cigarettes soon.

Lulu said...

Health insurance but not dental. I looked into getting it after my visit a month ago and they wont cover any pre-existing condition so I cant do anything about it now. So I am using the payment option that wont charge interest as long as I pay it off in 6 months. Live and learn, at least I wont be in constant pain anymore.