Thursday, April 12

Tay in da wind

Today I have a middle of the week long run scheduled to boost up my mileage. Typically I will do a long run on the weekend and do shorter maintenance runs during the week. Since I get off work at 4 and it stays light until probably around 8 or so I have plenty of time to make one of my maintenance runs into a training run during the week. Unlucky for me I decided to do that today, which is freakishly windy. I really dislike running in the wind for various reasons but mostly since I do my longer runs at Woodward my allergies are really going to act up which as any allergy sufferer knows is generally unpleasant and down right irritating. I have however been looking forward to the run all day because I am stressed out about work and in an overall bad mood and running is always a cure for that. Snot to the wind in an hour and a half.

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