Thursday, August 7

A Couple of Things...

First, J.Crew is having a big sale right now that you should check out online. If you are in need of any cute work clothes I would reccomend you check it out (women specifically, I didnt look at the men's section) because some of their normally rather steep prices are discounted quite a bit.

Second, I am reinstating my running blog, which is my Health link on my sidebar. There is only about 3 months left before my full marathon so it is time to buckle down and get serious. By the way this also means you have 3 months to make me some kick ass signs, dont let me down

Third, I know how anxious you all are for me to blog my recap of last nights Project Runway: The Olympic episode, but we have a bid at 10 AM so I am slammed and dont have the time. Once the bid is over though I will get to it.


  1. I will have to check out the J.Crew I know that I had been lusting over a few spring/summer items.

    Also I've got alot to say about Project Runway as well. It was a good espisode. But still not enough drama and no real Austins, Jays or Santinos.

  2. I checked out the J. Crew sale and the items still seem a little too pricey for me but maybe I will have to make a trek to Jeremy's in Berkly to see what J. Crew deals they have.
