Thursday, November 29

Incompetent Me

My dad can be so unfuckingreasonable! Monday he tells me that he has a meeting on Thursday morning and needs copies of the job logs. He has always been in the office before he goes to the meetings and I have always made his copies the day of. So he isnt here when I get here at 7 AM and he calls at about 7:45 and says "you didnt get me my copies of the job logs" and I go "you are not going to be in the office this morning? I usually make them for you right before you leave and you told me you needed them Thursday" and he goes "I gave you plenty of advanced warning on this they should have been ready". Ok well I didnt know that you would be gone by the time I got here in the morning, I didnt forget I was just going to do it then (mainly this is because he always looses shit!) and of course he continues to blame me, "I told you I needed them for a meeting Thursday morning" Again not at all addressing what I said and he acts like I am completely incompetent. So I tell him if you needed them before I came to work why didnt you tell me you needed them by Wednesday afternoon and again he doesnt address what I said but repeats that he gave me plenty of notice. He also makes the statement that he always leaves that early for his meeting which is completely untrue, he has never left that early because I have never made him copies of his logs the day before because they are continually updated. So does he make his own copies, no, apparantly he is unable to do that so I have to fax it to him. Is there a problem, no but he makes me feel like I am a big fucking screw up.

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